Dr. Rae Beaver

Dr. Rae had her first experience with chiropractic in high school when she was treated for a sports injury. This sparked her passion for holistic health care. Dr. Rae attended Bethel University for her undergraduate studies and Northwestern Health Sciences University for her Doctorate of Chiropractic. Dr. Rae is passionate about educating people on the way that chiropractic impacts the nervous system's ability to regulate stress. She cares deeply for her patients and is excited to be serving the Anoka community.

Dr. Rae loves to watch sports and is the biggest Nebraska Huskers fan. She loves to spend time with family and friends and build relationships with those around her. When she isn't treating patients, you can find her at a sporting event or a concert.



IS healing from within.
IS listening to the body.
IS Serving You, not a condition.

The human body is designed for function. It does not make mistakes. It simply responds to the environment it is put in and sends signals as symptoms when there is dysfunction. Our job as chiropractors is to identify the triggers causing the symptomatic response and address the cause.


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