ear infections, breastfeeding challenges, issue with sleep/self-soothing/colic, reflux (GERD), constipation, torticollis, plagiocephaly (flat head), stiff and rigid disposition, lip/tongue ties, sensory issues, developmental delays

headaches/migraines, neck/low back pain, vertigo, radiating pains/numbness /tingling down arms or legs, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain/arthritis, scoliosis management, chronic UTI's/Yeast, PCOS and endometriosis support, IBS/inflammatory disease, constipation, autoimmunity, acid reflux/GERD, menopause struggles, hot flashes, weight gain, bloating, hormone regulation, fatigue, infertility

Connected Kids

Heard Individuals

Restored Injuries

sports injuries, growing pains, chronic anxiety/depression, ADD/ADHD, TMJ dysfunction, chronic fatigue, sleep support, indigestion, imbalanced hormones, chronic headaches, chronic allergies, skin rashes, immune system dysregulation, postural problems

low back pain, sciatica, headaches, round ligament pain, pubic symphysis dysfunction, postural stress, breathing difficulties, breeched baby position, carpal tunnel syndrome, neurologic support for labor and delivery, nausea, heart burn/acid reflux

postpartum recovery care, incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, back and hip pain, sciatica, shoulder and neck tension, diastasis recti (abdominal separation), breast feeding related issues, postpartum mood disorder, fatigue/energy, core dysfunction,
c-section recovery

whiplash injuries, car accident/work related injuries, sports related injuries, concussion/TBI injuries,  radiating/ numbness /tingling down arms or legs, tinnitus, vertigo, spinal disc injuries

Understood Young Adults

Empowered Pregnancies

Supported Postpartum


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